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Ride Director

As a Triathlon fanatic born and raised in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Lorenzo has always had a deep desire to be a part of something that’ll meet the needs of impoverished people living in the country. He spent a lot of his young age traveling to San Juan de la Maguana, where his grandparents lived, and feels a deep connection to this part of the country. His dedication to the La Vuelta Quisqueya child and community alleviation cause was born from the desire to meet some of the needs of his people.

He lives in New York, USA, working in the Food and beverage import and distribution sector. Having belonged to the swim club back home while growing up and taken part in several triathlons activities since 2014, he loves surmounting challenges and testing his limits. Being a part of the La Vuelta Quisqueya team has been fulfilling for him, and he continues to be a valued member of the team.

Lorenzo counts on your support and participation to advance our efforts as four friends trying to give back to communities in our home country. (347) 829-7910